What is worrying the world? What is worrying you?

07/11/2023 17:10

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When it comes to concern, several factors come into play for a more accurate analysis of what is happening in the world in this area.

The focus of concerns varies to a greater or lesser extent from country to country and even within countries, it can vary by region. Nevertheless, some not-so-obvious issues that inhabit people's imagination and perception have also emerged in very recent survey results, which I have separated here for you.

In a more general context, the level of concern of the world's population has grown in some areas such as inflation and mental health, and decreased in others such as Covid-19.

According to the "What Worries the World 2023" survey, conducted by IPSOS in October, inflation, with a 39% percentage, has been the number one concern for 19 consecutive months among the global population. According to the institute, this is the longest period in which a problem has been at the top in the history of its research.

The study also shows four other concerns (Inflation, Crime & violence, Poverty & social inequality, Unemployment, Finances/political corruption), which remain relatively unchanged compared to last August. Immigration control increased by 2 percentage points this month, becoming the highest level of concern worldwide since March 2020.

Meanwhile, in Brazil, according to the same survey, social inequality and poverty were the main concerns of Brazilians in 2023, with 43% of respondents choosing this option. Inflation was the least concern of the population, affecting only 27% of Brazilians.

And the big surprise was that climate change was not cited as the greatest concern in any of the surveyed countries, including Brazil.

Concern and Well-being

Concern, especially in excess, certainly is not a good ally of health. In another IPSOS survey about Global Health Service Monitor 2023, in Brazil, 52% of the population sees mental health as the country's main issue in terms of well-being.

The survey that mapped the well-being problems in various countries around the world also pointed out how concern about the subject has grown over the past few years. From 2018, the percentage of people who identified mental health as the main source of concern jumped from 18% to 52% in 2023.

But, why do we worry after all?

The etymological origin of the word "preocupação" (preoccupation) comes from the Latin "praeoccupatio, -onis," which means prior occupation.

Worry is a feeling considered normal in daily life because we need it to regulate our defense against some problems in life, anticipating solutions and leading us to act towards solving these problems. Worry becomes harmful when it escapes our control, leading to anxiety and panic, making us confused and insecure in making our choices.

With all this scenario, the most important thing is to know how to deal with worries. As a way to contribute to this reflection, we provide the link for downloading Dr. Juliana Caversan's e-book (The e-book is in Portuguese) on the topic. Access here

Source: T&B Petroleum - Lia Medeiros

Translation by Dagmar Brasilio

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