Human and career development

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iBEM - International Brazil Energy Meeting

Registrations are open now until November 18th for the Technical Section of the International Brazil Energy Meeting (iBEM25), an event that will take place March 25th to 27th, 2025 at the Convention Center in Salvador, Brazil. Representatives of producing, operating, processing, transmitting, transporting, distributing or storing companies within the various energy segments can participate in the technical section, either on their own or in partnership with supply and/or service companies. Presentations must be strictly non-commercial. This is an excellent opportunity to highlight the work of technicians and operation and maintenance teams, showcase their professional experience and contribute to progress and innovation in the energy sector! Register today! It’s free! More information: Source: Press Office Image; Disclosure

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Do you know what Anthroposophy is and how it can impact your life and work?

  We begin with this article, the first in a series, with Jandy de Paulo Almeida, Anthroposophic Psychologist, who will help us understand what Anthroposophy is and how it is intimately linked to current human realities, contributing with its discoveries to various aspects of a more integral and evolution-directed life.   What is Anthroposophy? Anthroposophy (from the Greek anthropos, "human," and sophia, "wisdom") literally means "wisdom regarding the human being." Elaborated on its principles by the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861 - 1925), it seeks to satisfy the modern human's thirst for knowledge about themselves and their relationship with the universe, seeking to adequately answer eternal questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? What …

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What is worrying the world? What is worrying you?

When it comes to concern, several factors come into play for a more accurate analysis of what is happening in the world in this area. The focus of concerns varies to a greater or lesser extent from country to country and even within countries, it can vary by region. Nevertheless, some not-so-obvious issues that inhabit people's imagination and perception have also emerged in very recent survey results, which I have separated here for you. In a more general context, the level of concern of the world's population has grown in some areas such as inflation and mental health, and decreased in others such as Covid-19. According to the "What Worries the World 2023" survey, conducted by IPSOS in October, inflation, …

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3 Things to Keep in Mind When Delivering Negative Feedback

First, understand the purpose of the conversation, which is trickier than it sounds. Your employee blows past a deadline. Again. Or they miss the mark in discussions with a client. Or they are driving their colleagues batty with unprofessional behavior. Whatever the problem, their performance is not up to par—which means it’s time for a tough conversation. Of course, giving negative feedback is unpleasant at an almost visceral level. So too often, leaders “keep on kicking the can, hoping that the issue is going to go away,” says Brooke Vuckovic, a clinical professor of leadership at Kellogg. But when you avoid these conversations, you do more than abdicate your responsibility to develop this specific employee: you risk letting down your whole …

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TikTok: neuroscientist explains how the social network impairs the brain`s ability to focus

TikTok is constantly criticized for user safety issues. A recent controversial event is the ”blackout challenge” that allegedly caused the death of a 12-year-old child. Even in appropriate use cases, the social network that popularized the short video system can affect brain function. Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela, Post PhD in neurosciences and biologist, elaborated an analysis on how the content format of the TikTok can impair the ability to focus and concentrate in a study approved by the Europeian Journal of Development. As explained by the expert, social networks generate “addiction to rewards” in the brain, such that they cause hormonal imbalances that reduce the ability to focus and can trigger psychological illnesses such as anxiety and depression. “Currently, the excessive …

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Study links depression to changes in immune cells

Disorder that affects the day-to-day of about 15% of Brazilians – according to the Ministry of Health -, depression can act as a kind of 'trigger' for the development of changes in the body's cells. This is the finding pointed out by a study published in the journal Cognitioniss.   Entitled 'Neuroanatomy in patients with persistent depressive disorder and changes in immune cells', the research was based on case reports of 20 people diagnosed with Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) who were undergoing psychological care. This means that, between the years 2021 and 2022, the histories of patients with more than two years of diagnosis of depression were analyzed. According to Professor Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela Rodrigues, who led the studies, …

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Is our brain really able to live in today's world? The Roots of Anxiety

PhD Neuroscientist, Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela, says that technology has evolved too fast for the evolution of our brain to keep up, and this may be the cause of one of today's biggest ills, anxiety. Nothing intrigues the scientific community as much as the evolution and adaptation of the human brain, the most important organ of the body still holds many secrets and nuances that are still a matter of debate. Recently, the book "Deconstructing Anxiety" by neuroscientist Judson Brewer presented a polemical perspective on brain functioning today, according to him, the brain, in its divisions of prefrontal cortex (new brain - rational) and more primitive parts of the organ (old brain - linked to the survival instinct), would …

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Study discusses how sociocultural factors can affect the formation of memory

Have you ever stopped to think that the Brazilian " style" can go much further than we imagine? You see, skills such as memorizing a face can be much stronger in one country than in another.    A study published by the scientific journal Ciência Latina talked about how memory and brain development are influenced by numerous social and cultural issues.    The study came from an insight by the author, PhD in Neuroscience, Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela, who noticed that Brazilians who came from big cities like Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte to live in towns and villages in Portugal, have greater difficulty in recording the faces of people from the towns and villages they migrated …

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Memorization: Neuroscientist teaches techniques to boost your learning

The human brain has an amazing capacity to be exercised, so learn how to use this "power" to facilitate your memorization.   Memory is one of the most important functions performed by the brain, the ability to keep and retrieve memories was crucial for our evolution and is essential for our survival.   This deficit can be explained by the contemporary routine that does not demand brain effort and does not contribute to the strengthening of memory, another factor that interferes in this process is the excess of dopamine that the modern lifestyle stimulates in the brain with the help of social networks and electronic games.   However, all is not lost. The brain has an incredible ability called neuroplasticity, …

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