T&B Petroleum/Beatriz Cardoso
Over $300 billion will be made available until 2026 for the implementation of the new industrial policy, under the acronym NIB – Nova Indústria Brasil. The proposal presented by the National Council for Industrial Development (CNDI) envisions redirecting these resources to strategic areas with the potential to impact the country's social and economic development, such as the energy sector, where the oil and gas industry plays a prominent role.
This is why it has been well-received by the sector. According to the Brazilian Association of Petroleum Goods and Services Companies (ABESPetro), Nova Indústria Brasil (NIB) is a plan with unprecedented characteristics for the country. Grounded in the so-called 'Mission-Oriented Policies,' it represents the most advanced theory and practice of industrial policy globally.
"It is evident that, like any ambitious plan, it will require political coordination and effort for its sustainability, monitoring, and improvements. Beyond being a robust plan in itself, it introduces new paradigms and ways of conducting industrial policy. ABESPetro is manifestly in favor of plans that seek to induce the industrial development of the country and sees in NIB a great opportunity in this direction," points out Telmo Ghiorzi (pictured), Executive President of ABESPetro.
The R$300 billion from the Mais Produção Plan, which brings together financial solutions to enable continuous financing of the industrial policy over the next three years, will be managed by BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development), Finep (Financier of Studies and Projects), and Embrapii (Brazilian Company for Research and Industrial Innovation) and made available through specific lines, whether non-refundable or refundable, as well as resources through the capital market.
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