ROG.E 2024

During the closing of ROG.e, Petrobras reaffirms its commitment to the growth of the oil and gas industry and energy evolution.

The company's president advocates for exploration in new frontiers and actions to achieve net zero by 2050.

T&B Petroleum/Press Office IBP
27/09/2024 21:45
During the closing of ROG.e, Petrobras reaffirms its commitment to the growth of the oil and gas industry and energy evolution. Imagem: Armando Paiva/Petrobras Agency Visualizações: 1287 (0) (0) (0) (0)

Petrobras President Magda Chambriard stated at the closing of ROG.e 2024, this Thursday (26), that both the company and Brazil must continue exploring new frontiers and replenishing reserves to develop the sector, bringing benefits to the market and society. The executive also reminded that the country is at the forefront of the energy transition due to its highly renewable energy matrix. "We understand the importance of this energy (oil) for the economy and the country. We need to explore new areas, and there is no contradiction in doing so. The pace we seek is not in conflict with the energy transition. It is also another source to guarantee jobs and income for Brazil."

Chambriard reinforced the company’s commitment to net zero, which, according to her, may even be achieved sooner. "Our oil has the lowest carbon footprint in the world. No one else has such renewable ethanol, gasoline, and bunker fuel for shipping. We reaffirm our commitment to net zero by 2050, which I believe will be achieved earlier."

The president of IBP, Roberto Ardenghy, closed this year’s ROG.e by highlighting the exchange of knowledge and the meetings between large companies and suppliers that help further strengthen the oil, gas, and energy industries. "These four days have been a successful journey of feedback and knowledge."

This year’s edition of ROG.e set records, with 76,000 participants, 6,000 congress attendees, over 600 hours of content, 630 companies, and 778 technical papers presented. ROG.e 2024 was also a great example of accessibility with the "Kit Livre," sign language interpretation in 100% of the content, a nursing support room, adapted seating, and exclusive elevators.

At the closing ceremony, the Leopoldo Aurélio Miguez de Mello Award was presented to Carlos Mastrangelo, Offshore Operations Director at Brava Energia, in recognition of his excellent work over his 40-year career in the oil and gas sector.

The standout technical papers in each of the seven categories were also awarded:

  • Category 1 - Upstream: "Modeling of relative permeability in heterogeneous carbonate rocks from the lab to the field: a pre-salt case study" by José Cavalcante (Petrobras);
  • Category 2 - Midstream/Downstream: "Continuous adjustment of gas burning conditions in industrial flares supported by artificial intelligence," by Marcelo Cardoso (Petrobras);
  • Category 3 - Natural Gas: "Conflict resolution in the gas sector," by Marcello Lobo (Pinheiro Neto Advogados);
  • Category 4 - Low Carbon Solutions: "The H2R project journey for more sustainable drilling ships with onboard hydrogen production," by Cristiano Henrique Brito (Ocyan);
  • Category 5 - People, Culture, and Society: "Social technologies for conflict mediation and collaborative construction for territorial development," by Karen Joyce Aragão (Transpetro);
  • Category 6 - Financing the Transition: "Carbon market: economic theory, international practice, and expectations for Brazil," by Lucas Antoun (Eneva);
  • Category 7 - Digital Transformation and Innovation: "Process Safety Management in oil and gas operating units through digital twin platform: a digital approach for safety control and process intervention," by Janaina Albino (Vidyatec).

Recovery of Mature Fields as an Alternative to Increase Oil Production in Brazil

Oil production in Brazil can grow in the coming years through investment in the recovery of mature fields and exploration of adjacent offshore areas. This is the view of Brava Energia CEO, Décio Oddone, who participated in the Strategic Talks. "I usually say that the cheapest oil is the oil already discovered. Brazil has vast potential to increase production in mature, onshore fields. The recovery fraction in the country is well below the global average, and that is an opportunity," he said.

In the executive's view, the exploration of adjacent areas would also be an alternative to increase oil production in the country, considering a decline in pre-salt by the end of the next decade. "When you have assets in production, it is easier [to explore surrounding areas]. But here, we need to advance regulatory issues that allow, for example, third-party access to facilities, among other measures," he added.

Biofuels Development

The development of biofuels in the energy evolution of the industry gained prominence in a panel held this Thursday. Petrobras’ BioRefining program was presented by Maíza Pimenta Goulart, Executive Manager of the Research, Development, and Innovation Center (Cenpes), as a successful initiative, with a $1.5 billion investment in producing more sustainable fuels aimed at sectors with high CO₂ emissions, such as heavy road vehicles, aviation, and maritime.

"The development of new technologies and biofuels at Cenpes, the largest research center in Latin America, is mainly due to the capabilities of more than 9,000 researchers working on low-carbon products," said the executive. According to her, in 2023, Petrobras invested R$ 145 million in partnerships with universities, research centers, and companies, as well as R$ 522 million in R&D&I (Research, Development, and Innovation) activities in low-carbon products.

Highlights include Green Ethylene, whose industrial-scale tests to produce a stream of Light Refinery Hydrocarbons (LRH), rich in ethylene with renewable content, were completed this year. In partnership with Braskem, the project developed a potential renewable raw material for the chemical industry.

Another highlight was the first FCC operation with 100% renewable feedstock at the Riograndense Biorefinery, using Cenpes/Petrobras technology. "Our project materializes the concept of energy transition. In the first phase (until 2025), we will produce sustainable chemicals (bio-LPG, light oil, clarified oil, bio-BTX); in the second phase (until 2028), we will focus on advanced biofuels (SAF – sustainable aviation fuel; renewable diesel, and green naphtha); and in the third phase (future potential), we will explore synthetic biofuels (e-SAF and e-methanol)," explained Felipe Jorge, Riograndense's Managing Director.

"Oil has brought us the scientific and technological capacity to reach this stage of evolution," said Professor Gonçalo Pereira, from Unicamp, who moderated the panel. Luiz Mendonça, CEO of Acelen, highlighted biorefinery projects in Bahia and Minas Gerais, with biofuels production from macaúba, a native plant with high energy value (96%). "It's not enough to be renewable. It needs to be competitive," said the executive.

Acelen's biorefining project has an investment of more than R$ 12 billion, with plans to plant macaúba on 180,000 hectares and produce 1 billion liters of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel per year.

Diversity and Inclusion at Petrobras

Petrobras aims to have 25% of its leadership positions filled by women and Black people by 2030. This was stated by Thais Pessanha, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Manager at the company, during the panel "Transforming the Workplace – The Impact of Inclusive Leadership," held at the DE&I Forum.

Thais shared her personal journey as a person with a disability and listed three essential points for practicing inclusive leadership: studying, so that active listening becomes a tool for change; acting, knowing that setting an example transforms realities; and expanding, to extend the reach of one's work to other areas or locations.

Petrobras is also conducting awareness initiatives in elementary and high schools and universities, informing students about the company’s opportunities. Currently, its internship and young apprentice programs also include reserved spots.

Professional Training in the Energy Industry

How can new technologies, like artificial intelligence, be leveraged for professional training? "We are facing rapid changes. In the field of training, we need to align with the strategic plan. It is important to understand and assess how technology can enhance business," said Robson Leite, General Manager of the Petrobras University, in the panel "Human Resource Training in the Energy Sector."

Breno Medeiros, Executive Vice President of ABESpetro (Brazilian Association of Petroleum Equipment and Services Companies), discussed how suppliers are working to improve human capital development and train new talent to meet the different market demands. "We conducted a survey to diagnose industry needs. We spoke with IBP, ANP, and we will soon complete the data analysis."

Raphael Neves Moura, Superintendent of Technology and Environment at ANP, noted that the agency is responsible for helping manage investments in the R&D clause, which currently amounts to about R$ 4 billion per year for innovation and development, as well as encouraging training. "We have a human resource program to feed academia with researchers and also focus on entrepreneurship. We work collaboratively, listening to companies to help shape trends and design human resource programs to tackle the challenges of future employment."

About ROG.e - ROG.e 2024 was sponsored by Petrobras, Shell, TotalEnergies, Equinor, Galp, Origem, Brava, Petronas, Prio, BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Modec, Repsol Sinopec Brasil, SBM Offshore, Acelen, Eletrobras, Excelerate Energy, Ipiranga, Pan American Energy, Vibra, Dell, Nvidia, Naturgy, TechnipFMC, TBG, Trident Energy, ABB, Construtora Elevação, Compass, Foresea, Huawei, Karoon Energy, OceanPact, Perbras, Subsea7, TAG, Transpetro, Vallourec, Renave, as well as the participation of the Federal Government.

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