
Highlights on production and sales in 1Q22

Petrobras Agency
04/05/2022 20:10
Highlights on production and sales in 1Q22 Imagem: Petrobras Agency Visualizações: 1520 (0) (0) (0) (0)

In 1Q22, Petrobras kept a solid operating performance, with average oil, NGL and natural gas production reaching 2.80 MMboed, 3.4% above 4Q21. This result was achieved mainly due to the continuity of the ramp-ups of FPSOs Carioca (Sépia field) and P-68 (Berbigão and Sururu fields), located in the pre-salt of Santos Basin, to the lower production loss caused by maintenance stoppages, compared to 4Q21, and to the start-up of new wells in the post-salt of Campos Basin.


We reached monthly and quarterly records in pre-salt production: 2.06 MMboed, in January 2022 and 2.03 MMboed in the quarter, accounting for 72% of Petrobras' total production, compared to 71% in 4Q21.


The highlights of 1Q22 were: 

Continuity of the ramp-up of FPSO Carioca, reaching a quarterly average of 127,000 bpd of operated production, confirming the good performance of the wells and the platform.


Start-up of FPSO Guanabara, scheduled for May, in Mero field, in the pre-salt of Santos Basin. The connection activities on the FPSO, which is currently on location, have already been completed and we are waiting for regulatory approvals to start production. The platform, the first permanent in the field, has the capacity to process up to 180,000 barrels of oil. In the first wave, six producing wells and seven injection wells will be connected to the FPSO. Mero is the third largest

oil field in the pre-salt, standing only behind Búzios and Tupi.


"FPSO Guanabara is the most complex production unit to operate in Brazil. The implementation of a project with such technology is the result of over a decade of experience in the pre-salt and of the joint collaboration among Petrobras, partners and suppliers. The project was conceived to combine production capacity, efficiency, and reduction of GHG emissions," says João Henrique Rittershaussen, Production Development Executive Director at Petrobras.


Production start-up of two new wells in Roncador field, in Campos Basin, on March 9. The two wells added a production of 18 thousand boed. A series of 18 wells is expected to be connected to production platforms, representing an important milestone in the complementary development of Roncador. Petrobras is the operator of the consortium (75% interest) together with Equinor (25% interest) since 2018, when the strategic partnership to increase oil recovery factors was initiated.


Signing of contract with CNOOC Petroleum Brasil Ltda. (CPBL). On March 4, we signed the agreement for the assignment of 5% of our participation in the Production Sharing Contract of the Transfer of Rights Surplus Volume for the Búzios field, in the Santos Basin pre-salt area. The agreement results from the option to purchase an additional stake, exercised by CPBL on 09/29/2021. The amount to be received in cash by Petrobras at the closing of the operation, relative to the compensation and reimbursement of the signature bonus of CPBL's additional stake, will be $2.12 billion. This amount is subject to the usual adjustments for this type of contract between the base date and the closing date. The impact on Petrobras' share of Búzios production after this contract goes into effect, already included in our Strategic Plan 2022-26, will be approximately 23.5 thousand boed.


Conclusion of the sale of the totality of the participation in seven concessions and the Natural Gas Processing Unit (UPGN) of Alagoas, called Alagoas Cluster. On February 4, the sale of the participation in the Alagoas Cluster to the company Origem Energia S.A (former Petro+) was concluded. This cluster comprises six onshore fields (Anambé, Arapaçu, Cidade de São Miguel dos Campos, Furado, Pilar, and São Miguel dos Campos) and the Paru field, located in shallow waters, in addition to the UPGN. The average production of the Alagoas Cluster in 2021 was 1.62 thousand bpd of oil and condensate and 550 thousand m3/d of gas generating 0.81 thousand bpd of LGN (natural gas liquids).


Petrobras reached 91% total utilization factor (FUT) in ourrefineries in the last week of March 2022. FUT in 1Q22 was 87%, in line with the high level observed in 4Q21 and 5 p.p. higher than in 1Q21, when there were maintenance stoppages in relevant units. The refining FUT considers the volume of oil effectively processed and the refineries' reference feedstock, i.e., the maximum operating capacity, respecting the design limits of the equipment, safety, environmental and quality requirements for oil products output, in addition to the economic rationality of production decisions, focusing on value generation.


“The definition of utilization levels is a technical and economic decision, which takes into account our customers’ demand, global supply alternatives and prices of oil and oil products, different configurations and operating limits and the need for maintenance stoppages of the refining units, among other factors. Petrobras is producing as much as possible under safe, sustainable, and economic conditions," said Rodrigo Costa, Petrobras' Refining and Natural Gas Executive Director.


Oil product sales in 1Q22 was down 8% compared to 4Q21, and the production volume was 9.6% lower compared to the same period, both impacted by the sale of RLAM, concluded on November 30, 2021. Compared to 1Q21, sales were 2% higher.


In 1Q22 we registered a record 56% share of S-10 diesel in total diesel production, in accordance with the strategic decision to focus on cleaner and higher value products, in line with market demand. With respect to the share of S-10 diesel on total diesel sales, we reached a quarterly record of 58% and a monthly record of 59% in February 2022.


We reached a new record for pre-salt oil processing in 1Q22, which accounted for 65% of throughput in the quarter. In February we reached 66% of throughput. The processing capacity of pre-salt oils has been expanded with investments in our refining facilities, ensuring greater operational and logistic flexibility.


In 1Q22, Búzios continued to be the most important stream in our export mix. Recently added streams, Atapu and Sépia, increased their relevance in volumes exported. In 4Q21, we traded the first export of the Sépia stream. In 1Q22 new cargoes of this stream were traded and we managed to add new clients to our portfolio.


In Santos, the largest port in South America, we delivered 194,000 tons of bunker in March 2022, the highest volume since April 2011.


In 1Q22, there was a 50% reduction in natural gas thermoelectric dispatch compared to 4Q21, reflecting improved hydrological conditions, the recovery of reservoir levels and the overcoming of the effects of the hydric crisis throughout 2021.


Click here to access the full report.

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