ROG.E 2024

Subsea7 participates in ROG.e 2024.

The company once again opens its office located within the sectoral event and brings Marcelo Xavier, Executive Vice President of Strategy and Sustainability, to a panel on competitiveness in the industry.

T&B Petroleum/Press Office
26/08/2024 12:10
Subsea7 participates in ROG.e 2024. Imagem: Disclosure Subsea7 Visualizações: 1198 (0) (0) (0) (0)

Subsea7, a global leader in offshore project delivery and technology for the energy sector, is all set to once again make a mark at ROG.e 2024 in an innovative and unique way. From September 23 to 26, the company will transform its office, located in the Boulevard Olímpico, into a booth with activations and experiences.

At its headquarters, the company will discuss topics such as new frontiers in the subsea market for Brazil, partnerships and investments through incentives for technology development in the sector, as well as regulatory content, solutions, and services for offshore projects and the evolving energy industry. On the first day of the fair (September 23), there will be an event for clients, partners, and authorities featuring the opening ceremony of the Subsea7 Experience.

On September 25, Marcelo Xavier, Executive Vice President of Global Strategy and Sustainability at Subsea7, will participate in the panel 'ROG.e Dialogues – Industry Competitiveness,' addressing various factors that influence companies' ability to stand out in the global market, such as technological innovation, operational efficiency, product and service quality, and the ability to respond quickly to customer demands.

With the theme "Connecting Energies," the new name for the Rio Oil & Gas 2024 is ROG.e. This year’s edition features over 320 exhibitors, with expectations to surpass the visitor count of the previous fair, exceeding 50,000 people.

Subsea7 in Brazil - Subsea7, the leading global company in deepwater technology in Brazil, continues its expansion and offshore energy transition project through the ongoing evolution of low-carbon oil and gas, enabling the growth of renewable and emerging energies. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, the company achieved a revenue of $1.4 billion, representing a 12% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

In addition to historical results, the company recently signed five contracts with Petrobras. The first involves the development of the Búzios 9 field, located approximately 180 km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, at a depth of 2,000 meters in the pre-salt Santos Basin, encompassing engineering, procurement, fabrication, installation, and pre-commissioning of 102 km of rigid risers and flowlines for the steel wave production system. The other agreements are considered long-term daily rate contracts for engineering vessels (PLSVs): Seven Rio, Seven Sun, and Seven Waves.

With over 35 years of operation in the country, Subsea7's activities generate more than two thousand direct jobs and over three thousand indirect jobs, in addition to engaging more than 1,100 suppliers. The company currently has over R$ 6 billion in projects in Brazil, with more than 8,000 km of flexible lines installed and 1,000 km of rigid lines installed. The fleet of engineering vessels, consisting of seven ships in the country, handles the largest global projects in EPCI and decommissioning.

About Subsea7 - A global leader in offshore project and service delivery for the energy sector, Subsea7 enables offshore energy transition through the ongoing evolution of low-carbon oil and gas, allowing for the growth of renewable and emerging energies.

Present in Brazil for over 35 years, the company now has over two thousand direct employees distributed across operational bases in Ubu (Espírito Santo), Rio das Ostras (RJ), and Niterói (RJ), as well as an office in Rio de Janeiro. Operations in Brazil are divided into two main areas:

  • Subsea and Conventional: Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Installation (EPCI), decommissioning at various depths, and PLSV contracts.
  • Life-of-Field Services: Inspection, repair and maintenance, integrity management, and support services.
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