T&B Petroleum/Press Office UDOP
With negotiations already in an advanced stage, Raízen Energia, a joint venture between Cosan and Shell, and Biosev, a subsidiary of the Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC), sent yesterday (28) to Cade - Administrative Council for Economic Defense for a consultation for the agency evaluate the possible merger of the two companies.
In a statement to the market, Cosan S.A. reported yesterday that Raízen and Biosev "are in negotiation for the signing of binding contracts related to a potential strategic transaction, as previously disclosed by the Company and Raízen".
The Communiqué, signed by Cosan's Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, Marcelo Eduardo Martins, highlights, even though, "although these contracts have not yet been signed, Raízen and Biosev have chosen to submit the potential transaction to Cade now. ".
According to what was found out, the negotiations depend on an arrangement between Biosev and its creditors, which occurs in parallel to the conversations with Raízen.
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